Thursday, April 18, 2013

Hotter Than The Sun

"You know," I said matter-of-factly as my husband was teaching Science to our 3rd grader, "lightning strikes are hotter than the surface of the sun."

My husband said "Uh huh.  Wait, what??  That's totally impossible.  I've seen people who were struck by lightening.  They only had 3rd degree burns.  They'd be obliterated.  Their skull would melt!"

"Nope," I asserted, "It's true.  I heard it somewhere."

"Where - from who?  Who said this ridiculous thing?"

"I don't know.  Somewhere.  Maybe on PBS."

My husband scoffs, "Impossible!  Nothing on Earth is that hot!"

At this point I'm starting to doubt myself, especially since I can't remember the source.

 "Maybe you're right. But before you judge, look it up!"

My husband reluctantly opens a tab on the computer.  "Okay," he sighs, "I'll humor you.  Maybe I can find out where this myth came from."

So it turns out that it's true.  More than 5 times hotter.  You know what's even hotter than that?

Hearing my husband say that I'm right.  And dancing the "I told you so" dance.

I heard a food-for-thought type of question recently that was a no-brainer, it's supposed to make you think twice about your bad attitude I think.  But it doesn't work.  It goes something like, "Do you want to be right, or do you want to be kind?"

Umm...duh!  I want to be right!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Isn't It Funny How...

When children are too young to be of much help, they are all too eager to help.  My 2 year old has recently decided he is way into cleaning the bathroom.  That kid would rather help me clean the bathroom than play with his toys.  Unfortunately he'd rather "help" clean the bathroom than actually pick up his toys, and he really doesn't know how to wipe a sink. 

When children are old enough to actually be a help with chores, it's like pulling teeth to get them to do it.  Once they realize there is such a thing as video games, it's game over for "mommy's little helper."

But oh how I loved it in that short in-between time when we could play "who can pick up the toys fastest" and the kids would actually race to be the winner!  *Sigh*.

I guess I'll just have to enjoy mommy's little helper while he lasts.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Mamas Need Quiet Time!

This public domain painting is from John William Waterhouse.
Children are wonderful.  Their curious questions are wonderful.  Their laughter is wonderful.  But silence is wonderful, too.

It boggles my mind that some moms are now taking pride in the fact they don't make any time for themselves, and teach others to do the same.
Ladies, this is insanity!

Now not all moms are the same.  Some people are extroverts, and being around noise actually refreshes them.  These women are what I like to refer to as not-quite-right in the head.  Hehe.  Okay that was mean.  But it IS rare that you will find a woman who feels rested after dealing with children all day.  Because motherhood may be happy work but it is still WORK.  Even if you love it, it's still a LOT of work.   Every night when the kids are in bed I feel my whole body sigh in relief!

I think all this talk of no quiet time ends up having to do with pride.  They hear women talking so often about how much they cherish it and they want to be different and special.  It's almost a ploy to get attention.  They know they are going to touch a nerve by violating something as sacred as a woman's emotional needs.

It's also an overreaction to the fact that yeah maybe some moms have too much quiet time really don't appreciate their kids.  There are dangers in all kinds of extremes.

However, several studies have shown that if you spend about an hour a day doing what you really
want to do, you will be healthier overall.  So get some rest, everyone!

Monday, April 1, 2013


In the past I have had problems with people feeling like they can steal things that I write and pass it off as their own, take it out of context, or just plain twist it around and post it anywhere they want to.  Just because I may be a nice person does not mean I'm going to let you have the right to steal anything that I write.

I reserve full rights to everything on my blogs, unless otherwise stated as public domain or from another author.  No portion of my blog (save for public domain content) may be copied, sold, or replicated in any way.  You are free to link to my blog in an appropriate manner if you choose.  However, please contact me for permission to use brief quotes.

Many of the pictures on my blog are in the public domain and may be downloaded for any use, however you will have to verify this first before using them.  Some of them are my own photographs and belong to me and those ones you may not use.  I have let things slide in the past but I am more up on the laws now and I might not be so lenient in the future.  Copyright infringement is a crime and can result in jail time, so just don't do it.  Hopefully none of you would! 

Thanks and happy reading!

And I apologize if any of my posts offend you! 

(Just kidding, I don't care.)