Thursday, November 15, 2012

If You're Looking For A Little Something...

Generally, your husband is not the person you want to ask if something is missing.  Maybe there are some exceptions to the rule, but most husbands don't even know where things are that aren't lost.  They can't help it.  It must be tied to the Y chromosome or something.  It has probably always been that way...

Example?  Okay, here is a snippet from an actual conversation I had with my husband:

DH: Honey, where is the ketchup?

Me:  What?

DH:  (Slightly panicked) Please don't tell me you forgot to buy ketchup!

Me:  No I didn't.  Sheesh it's right there in the fridge.

DH:  Where in the fridge?

Me:  I don't know -  isn't "in the fridge" specific enough for you?  In the door, I think.

DH:  (totally panicked)  No it's noooot!  Where is it??

Me:  Hold on a sec.  I'm sure it's in the fridge good grief.

I then reluctantly stop what I'm doing to get off my tuffet and waltz on over to the fridge only to see - yep there is the ketchup staring me right in the face, in the door where I said it was and not even behind the butter or anything!  Ugh!

DH: Honey?  Where are my glasses?

Me:  You're wearing them.

DH:  Oh my gosh I didn't even feel them!

Me: *Smacking my forehead* 

Yes this actually happened!!  In his defense, they are some pretty lightweight frames.  I wish mine were that light!

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