Just try it. Scroll through the online comments about anything and you're guaranteed to find at least a few idiots ranting endlessly and arguing with each other's comments. We live in a world that can't tell the difference between fact and opinion, so is it any wonder we are so threatened by statements of opinion? We've become a nation that claims to be open-minded, but in reality is so sheep-like, so opposed to diversity, so insecure in its own viewpoints, that we can't stand to see people with other philosophies existing happily.
I often wonder if we've lost our ability to take a joke, or even respect other people's viewpoints. Does it offend you that I dress differently or raise my children differently from you? Of course I think my way is the best! I wouldn't live it if I didn't think that! Does that mean I need to shove it in your face and insist you follow suit? Is it no longer possible to respect someone's opinion when you do not share it?
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I hope you don't know anyone like this! |
Should I un-friend people who don't share all my beliefs? I know a lot of people do! Try this. Go through a list of your friends and start crossing out the ones who don't share your religious beliefs. Now cross out the ones who don't share your philosophies on pets, children, marriage, or work. Now cross off the ones with differing political adherence. Keep going. Make sure you only keep the people who think exactly the same way as you about everything. Now, is there anyone left? Chances are, you now have less than 5 friends - possibly none!
Opinions aren't wrong or right. What if I said the country is better than the city? Well, it's my opinion. It's not a fact or a lie. It's not meant to be an infallible statement. But I bet if I said this on an open forum I would cause no end of unprofitable arguing and snorting. Opinions are just that, opinions, subjective by nature. I'm entitled to mine, and you're entitled to yours. I'd like you to agree with me, but it's okay if you don't. The fact is, not everyone can live in the country. If they did, it would cease to be the country - it would become a city!
But I like Taylor Swift. I don't care what anyone thinks. I liked Twilight too (the movies, not the books) and pretty much anything else with vampires in it. Sue me. I'm a music fiend. I listen to everything from classical to pop to goth rock, and I just can't believe how many shocked and disgruntled people sit on Youtube all day bashing the videos of artists they don't like. If you don't like them, don't watch their videos - it's as simple as that!
I'm going to watch what I want, like what I want, and dress how I want and that's that. If you don't like it, goody for you. Your approval is not necessary. Because I'm making ME happy. I don't care if that's not cool to some mythical group of all-knowing people who supposedly hold all the power to designate coolness. I'm too old to care about popularity anyway, and even when I was young it never did a thing for me.
Don't get me wrong, I love a good rant as much as anyone. I can definitely get on my soapbox and be quite hot-headed in voicing my opinions. But at the end of the day, I'm still going to be your friend even if you disagree.
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